Top 10 Weirdest Laws in the World

We surfed 1000’s of pages on the web to bring you the top 10 weirdest laws that have ever been made. Some are hard to believe, some are disgusting and some are…… We’ll let you decide, let’s start:

Indonesian Virgin Females in the Army Only

LAW: For a female to join the Indonesian army, females must be virgins and will be tested to ensure this before they are signed up. The process is pretty gruesome and involves two fingers, I say no more. The government also wanted to do this to high-school children before they could graduate in Indonesia! However luckily this was scrapped.

REASON: The reason the tests are carried out is because Indonesia believes it is a matter of national security and shows the women’s mental health and whether she has an issue or habit.

Source: BBC New

Don’t Make ugly Faces at a Dog in Oklahoma.

LAW: Yes, in Oklahoma, you can be fined and even arrested for making ugly faces at a dog.

REASON: The law was passed to ensure people do not disturb or harass service dogs.

Source: List25

Milan Citizens MUST Smile at all Times!

LAW: It is strictly illegal in Milan to not be smiling at all times, and those who are caught not smiling, will be handed a hefty fine. The only time you may not smile, is at a funeral or hospital visit.

REASON: The reason it is illegal to not smile in Milan after much research…….is still unclear, however we suspect it is something possibly to do with tourism. Any ideas, anyone?

Source: TheDailyMail

The Country that bought you Sumo Wrestling, it is illegal to be Fat.

LAW: In Japan in the year 2009, lawmakers set a max waistline for men and women aged 40+. For a man their waistline must be no larger than 31 inches, for women it is 35inches.

REASON: Again, not confirmed, but it is believed to be to do with the population of the country. People overweight do not get in trouble; however their health insurance premiums may increase a little.

Source: TheDailyMail & CNN

Don’t Pay unless Full – Denmark

LAW: In Denmark, you can go sit at a 5 star restaurant and eat all the expensive goods, however if by your own opinion you are not “full” at the end of your meal, then you can walk out without paying the bill, why, because some guy says so. Reason, who knows.

Source: WonderList

Do Not Pick Your Nose on a Sunday in Israel.

LAW: Yes, in Israel, if you are caught picking your nose on a Sunday, you could be prosecuted.

REASON: Again, there is no information as to why this is illegal.

Source: List25

Do Not Pass Wind in Florida after 6pm

LAW: Yes, you heard it right. Fine, if you want to fart at 5:59pm that’s, but anything farty-warty after 6pm, and you will be deemed to be a public nuisance and you’ll be in-trouble, so make sure to run home if you are in need of passing some gas.

REASON: It is believed the law was made so people could be arrested for consistently farting in a public place, for example a cinema, although why only after 6pm, well that is still a mystery!

Source: TheDailyMail

Don’t Die in the Houses of Parliament

LAW: Yep you heard it, die in the houses of parliament and have no illusions you will be arrested, and more than likely be sentenced to life! Ha!

REASON: It is believed the reason this law was put in place is due to the old English ways, which stated that if you died in a royal building, such as the Houses of Parliament, you are entitled to a state funeral, which was only meant to be intended for royals ect, not some peasant who keel’s over from food poisoning.

Source: Telegraph

In Chicago, it is against the Law to Eat in a Place that is on Fire.

LAW: No matter how good that burger is, if the places on fire, you MUST leave or otherwise you will face charges……somehow.

REASON: The reason for this law is anyone’s guess.

Source: TheDailyMail

In Oklahoma, it is against the Law to have a Sleeping Donkey in your Bathtub after 7pm.

LAW: Once again you heard it right, it is a criminal offence to allow your donkey to fall asleep in your bathtub after 7pm in Oklahoma. So, if your donkey is currently in the bath it would be recommended to remove it asap. Although if you live in the San Fernando Valleys beware, it might just be Jessica Simpson.

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