Top 10 Ways To Sharpen Your Creativity

There are times when you might feel as though you’re stuck in a rut, like you’re barely making anything special anymore. When you come into this situation of feeling dull and lacking originality, it’s about time to awaken your senses and unleash the creative genius in you.

After all, everyone’s creative in their own right, and it’s only essential to allow ourselves to explore our sense of artistry and creativity that can help us solve problems or come up with better things about our life.

So, if you’re struggling with being creative, you should consider applying these top 10 ways to sharpen your creativity, which are easy and practical to do.

10. Marvel At Your Favorite Painting

Do you have a strong inclination to a particular painting? Perhaps, there’s an image that you just like to stare at for hours?

If you feel deeply moved by a remarkable framed work of art, then you should try staring at it more and just let yourself be moved by it.

An inspiring artwork is always a helpful tool that will make you feel even more motivated to do something as special as the painting you’re admiring. Just let go of any judgment and stay receptive to brilliant ideas as you gaze at the painting.

9. Go Out And Experience The Beauty Of Nature

There’s something magical about nature that will instantly relieve you of stress while you feel a sense of calm, wonder and amazement. Just choose a spot in your home or office where you can have an excellent view of nature – and allow yourself to stay in that enchanting moment.

In case there’s no chance of finding an authentic nature scene, then you can just look at a framed photo wherever you are, which is an image of nature such as a lush forest, beach, or the vast ocean. After spending some time admiring these photos, you’ll feel as though you’re actually in those places and be inspired to show your creativity.

8. Go Natural

Eating natural or organic food items can have a massive impact to how you think, as well as the quality of your thoughts. When you free your body from toxins, it will be easier for other brilliant ideas to come to your thoughts.

If you can, consume more fresh fruits and vegetables and cut down on processed foods that only worsen your concentration and creativity.

7. Practice Meditation

Meditation is all about lifting up your mind and consciousness by breathing deeply. The best thing about this practice is that it’s easy to do, and you can even improve your level of consciousness afterwards.

Just find a quiet spot at home, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and just focus on your breath. By meditating regularly, you can remove any unnecessary thoughts while enhancing your creativity because of positive ideas entering your mind.

6. Do Puzzles, Mazes And Other Similar Games

Puzzles not only improve your problem and solving skills, but these help you become more creative by enabling you to come up with alternative solutions to problems.

If you like word games, then crossword puzzles or word searches are great activities for you. For those who are fond of numbers, you may try working on sudoku puzzles. These activities also offer a more enriching way to make use of your idle time while enhancing the power of your brain at the same time.

5. Listen To Classical Music

Several experiments have been made about the power of classical music in improving one’s creativity skills.

In fact, there are numerous CDs sold in the market with classical songs in them, which aim to develop a child’s creativity as the brain waves become more relaxed. If you feel a bit stuck on unoriginal ideas, then it’s time to feed yourself with classical music.

Allow your mind and body to drown in the inspiring and uplifting music made by history’s finest classical composers. Then, discover a more creative and artistic person within you, just waiting to unleash all brilliant ideas.

4. Talk To An Inspirational Person

If you have a friend or family member whom you look up to for inspiring stories and wise words, then you might want to spend some time talking to them.

These people will help improve your creativity because of their extensive experience and wisdom. They may even give you some pointers when you need to be creative enough to write a book or poem, or if you want to complete a portrait that you’ve been working on for days.

3. Just Accept And Let Go

One of the reasons why some people feel that they lack creativity is because they “edit” ideas as they enter their mind. The more you edit and negate all the ideas that come in your brain, the harder it will be for creativity and brilliant ideas to enter.

With that in mind, you should just allow these ideas to come and accept them. If there is something that obviously appear to be unoriginal, then gently let go of that thought without passing any negative judgment on yourself.

2. Read An Inspirational Book Or Poem

You may also check out your bookshelves for your favorite inspirational book of all time, so you can ignite that creative spirit within you.

Sometimes, all you need is a little boost when you feel stuck on not-so-awesome ideas. By having a sense of inspiration from the words of these exceptional writers, you will feel more supercharged with excellent ideas that are truly yours – original and creative.

1. Strive To Be Original

Sometimes, people get stuck in the norm or fad, so instead of allowing their originality and creativity to come out, they just blindly follow what others also think or do. This is certainly a tough call for you since it only encourages you to be just like the rest of the crowd. So, develop a mentality that it’s okay to be unique and stop judging yourself harshly. This way, you will be more receptive to creative thoughts that come to you.

Any ideas on how to be creative? Please share those ideas with us, which can also guide our readers on how to foster their creativity.

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