Top 10 Top Things Men Need to Know About Women

There are always misunderstandings and misconceptions about how women move, act, react, and voice their opinions. It is expected that men would not comprehend the behavior and thoughts of women, especially if they do not know exactly how they feel and what message they are trying to convey.

In fact, in most instances, women are trying to send a message to men in general which are intended for them but in most cases, they are too insensitive to discern that it’s for them or it’s all about them. The succeeding lists are just few of the basic things that any man should learn to fathom the ladies to have a better relationship and communication with their girlfriend, spouse, and even with their sister and mother.

10. Caresses and kisses take their anger away

If you and your girl had a big fight or even a small misunderstanding, nothing would really appease them but simple hugs and caresses. This is one of the things that men in general don’t understand because instead of resolving the issue, they are trying to defend themselves by citing various reasons, which complicate the situation even more. What women really need is a simple kiss and an apology.

9. Girl likes you if she laughs with your corny lines

When a girl laughs at you, even if you are not really throwing funny lines, it only means that she likes you. It’s the same situation when you are telling something, which a girl does not like, whether the topic is about sports or any topic that might not interest them. But if a girl likes you, she is willing to listen, even if an annoying topic or activity may suppose to irritate her.

8. She is resolving something when she looks at you

Do not misinterpret the girl if she is silently looking at you, it only means that they are thinking and analyzing the situation before they react and say something. In fact, psychologically speaking, women think a lot more than men do. That is why in most of the wrong choices and bad results, it is always men that are the causes. They would just think about the consequence right after the decision has been made, compared to women where they would really think of it many times.

7. She wants to know that you love her

Women in general are expressive when it comes to their emotions. Making her feel that you love her is not enough; they want to hear it from you more often. Therefore, if she is trying to get your attention, that is the time that you have to say that you love her. Nothing more, nothing less.

6. Women hold grudges until trust comes back

Women are really emotional, especially when trust is broken. They could say that they have forgiven you but they still feel the pain and would still hold grudges for a long time. This is the reason why when is a misunderstanding and conflict happens against a lady, it is hard to restore the trust back.

5. They want to be called beautiful rather than sexy

Although it is a compliment that women would be called sexy or hot, but they want to hear more that they beautiful and adorable. This is something that really tickles their heart and what they would love to hear from you, over and over again.

4. They are in love if they become shy in dealing with you

Do not be disappointed if a girl does not give you much attention or if she tries to avoid you, particularly those who are trying to court a lady. It only means that she loves and cares so much about you, but she is just too timid or shy to say it courageously to you. This is one of the good signs that a man can get if he is clueless about the feelings of a girl for him.

3. They wanted to be appreciated

When a woman tries to wear something new and would want to make herself look good and beautiful by wearing make-up and new dress, she just wants to hear a word of appreciation from you. You do not know exactly why they are doing it because of you and not for any other person’s attention.

2. Appreciate the things that they do

What really makes any woman’s heart big is to hear their lover’s or husband’s appreciation. This is one of the common mistakes that men commit. When a woman tried to cook something for you or she has prepared your favorite meal, cleaned the house, and gave you a surprise gift, make sure that you will be vocal to say “Thank You” and be specific on what you like the most on the food that she just cooked.

1. When they say something, it actually suggests the opposites

When women say something to you, it actually means the opposite. For instance, when they say that it is okay for them that you would not buy gifts for them during special occasions, such as anniversaries and birthdays, do not believe them because they want it the other way around.

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