Top 10 Tips on How to Take Better Photos

I would start this topic with telling you some of the technical details of photography. In photography, the pictures are created by recording radiation on a radiation-sensitive medium such as a photographic film or electronic image sensors. Believe me guys, you would not like to read any more technical details about photography because it is just too complicated to understand and is boring. It is based on pure scientific concepts. On March 14, 1839, Sir John Herschel introduced the word “photography” to the world in a lecture before the Royal Society of London. There is always a right way to do something and one should learn that particular way to achieve better results. As Peter F.Drucker said “Efficiency is doing things right, effectiveness is doing the right thing.” 

Hold Camera at Eye Level

The first tip is regarding the pets and little children. When you happen to take a picture of any object which is small in height, then bend down to their level first so that you are holding the camera at their eye level. In this way a better picture can be taken of small objects.

Use a Plain Background

Whenever you are ready to take the picture of your subject, make it sure that you have taken into consideration the background also. A complex or abstract background will make the image of your subject blur and unable to be detected by the eye. It is advisable to use a plain background while taking photo because in this manner there will be more emphasize on the subject and the image will be visible.

Camera Flash Matters

Here I would avail the opportunity to clear a misunderstanding of most of you. We often think that flash of the camera is not required while we are taking snaps outside in the sun. This is actually a wrong perception because even under the sun there appear dark shadows under our eyes and nose or if the sun is directly behind us. To avoid this situation, we must use the flash of the camera to brighten up these shadows and dark areas and distinguish our subject well enough from the background.

Zooming or Moving Closer to the Subject

The beauty of the picture lies in the fact that how much closer you are to the subject. The closer the subject to the camera, the better the picture is. The question arises HOW ?. The answer to this is very simple because by closing in on the subject you actually eliminate the unnecessary or less attractive background from the picture and the whole focus is on the subject. Moreover, the image of the subject is more detailed and precise. For a closer picture, you can make use of the “flower” mode in the camera or you can just simple zoom in and it will serve the purpose for you.

Shooting Vertical vs Shooting Horizontal Images

You can apply same rule to every situation as it is advisable to eat good in the morning while on the contrary, it is suggested to eat less at night to avoid stomach-ache or acidity problems. Similarly, not all the subjects look mesmerizing in a horizontal picture. For some pictures, you may find it more pleasing and attractive to take a vertical picture. It depends on the structure and form of the subject primarily. For example, Eiffel Tower or Minar-e-Pakistan will look better in a vertical picture and not in the horizontal picture. Oops ! just imagine a horizontal picture of The Eiffel Tower. It will look more like a bridge then a tower.


Don’t lose the focus of the subject while taking the picture. For this, hold the shutter button half-way down and the camera will automatically adjust the image for a better focus. After you think that the image is sufficiently focused and you are all set to take the picture, then press the shutter button all the way down. If you have a beauty-conscious girl friend, then it is always good to take a non-focused picture. Can you guess why?. Let me tell you guys, because it is better to rely on the statement that baby you were looking gorgeous but the picture is not focused, then to take a bundle of pictures of her to make her satisfied on a bright sunny day and sweat all the day long. KEEP IT A SECRET !

Range of Flash Matters

You must always know about the range of the flash of your camera because if the subject is out of the range of the flash, than a dark picture will be formed. Usually the range is of ten feet or four steps away from the camera but it depends on camera to camera. For that purpose, please check your manual guide.

Effects of Sunlight with Photography

The effect of the sunlight should not be ignored while taking a picture. You must study the effects of the light in order to take a good picture of the subject. In the case of people, be careful that the subject is not standing in a way so as dark shadows are falling on the face. It will not make the picture look good.

Consider Viewpoints

In order to take a good picture, you should act more than just a picture-taker. You must try and act as picture director and give instructions to your subject to re-arrange themselves so that they look better in the camera view-finder. You must consider different viewpoints to take a picture because it will improve the overall perception of your image dramatically.

Stay Still

The most basic but the most important tip in taking a good picture is that you should practice on holding your camera still while taking picture. If, by any chance, you happen to shake your camera during the time you are pressing the shutter button, than a blur or vague picture will be taken. It will be hardly recognized by anybody.

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