Top 10 Strange Places You Might Find Asbestos

The realisation that asbestos is the cause for a number of respiratory and health conditions has lead to strict regulations being implemented to control its use.

The increasing amount of people exposed to the potentially lethal material has brought about a rise in the number of asbestos compensation claims being filed against companies and employers. I am going to explore some of the more absurd objects that asbestos could be found in.

Cigarette Filters

As the news of cigarettes potentially being detrimental to your health became increasingly publicised, the use of filters within cigarettes became increasingly prominent.

One company however decided that incorporating blue asbestos into the filters of their cigarettes would encourage people to switch brands to themselves. This was before the health issues associated with asbestos had been fully recognised and the filters remained in production from 1952-1956. The ‘micronite’ filter is still available today however the asbestos has been replaced with a form of charcoal.

CSI: Fingerprint Examination Kit (For Children)

In 2006 an American asbestos group tested a number of children’s toys available in the USA and found Tremolite which is a type of asbestos in a fingerprinting kit.

The company who mass produced the kit, ‘Planet Toys’ have since filed for bankruptcy and we can only hope that all of these dangers are now well and truly out of reach of children.

Asbestos Shoes

If during the mid 20th century you fancied doing some fire walking there was a company which could facilitate! For two American dollars you could become the proud owner of a pair of shoes fabricated with asbestos.

The material may be famous for its ability to act as a heat retardant but I am still struggling for a valid use for heat resistant shoes other than potentially in the fire service. Furthermore if you find the soles of your feet getting rather hot from all the friction there was innersoles available which contained asbestos.

Fake Snow

Do you remember that scene from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ in the poppy field, when suddenly soft fluffy flakes of snow began to fall until the whole scene was wonderfully covered in a white visage?

Well there have been reports that these snow flakes could have been made from asbestos. There was a company which prided itself with making the most lifelike snowflakes, the downside was the fact that they contained almost 100% asbestos.

Dish Towels

In 1948 ‘Carosel’ a rubber company from the USA created dish towels using cotton and 20% asbestos. Each pack contained 3 of these towels and and a leaflet explaining why the use of asbestos makes these towers superior to their competitors.

Experts believe that Chrysotile which is a type of asbestos is hydrophilic meaning that it is able to absorb large amounts of water.

Oven Mitts

Finally a use for asbestos which seems to be relevant to its known properties.

The oven mitts dubbed steel grips claimed to be harder wearing , potentially lasting twice as long as competitors products and even claimed that their gloves could be used for holding scorchingly hot metal moulds amongst other things.

These gloves would set you back approximately $2.20 however there were discounts if you fancied stocking up in bulk.


Surprisingly asbestos remained present in hair-dryers until about 1980 even after people became aware of the health issues linked with the product. It was discovered by a photographer who when drying his prints discovered specks of white dust on the photos and decided to investigate!

Upon discovery the US government demanded an immediate recall on all hair-dryers and further testing proved that the dryers were emitting dangerous amounts of asbestos materials. Several companies were held liable and consequently faced a number of compensation claims.


A crock-pot marketed in 1971 soon became a household name and made its way into over five million homes within the first 2 years. It revolutionised the way that families bought meals to the table and was praised for its qualities.

Whilst in tact the pots have been considered as relatively safe as the dangerous fibres are contained within the product and therefore cannot become airborne, however problems arise when the product is disassembled or damaged.

Asbestos Umbrellas

Back in the early 20th century fireman were given ‘protective’ umbrellas made of asbestos to act as protection from the blazing inferno.

And as the technology/ equipment today is far superior to way back when, the umbrellas may have saved a number of lives. I mean if I had to walk through a burning building I would take anything offered to me if it may be beneficial to my survival. However as technology has evolved the use of asbestos brollies was quickly phased out!

Electrical Meter Boxes

Even now there are electrical meter boxes that contain asbestos, and although they would have to be pretty old there are a number of them still operating.

The government has been running a number of schemes to reduce the amount of boxes around the country but I am sure that there are a few remaining. If you suspect that you may still be using an older style of meter box it may be worthwhile contacting your local authority to see if they can assist.

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