Top 10 Signs You’ve Met the Right Spouse

Going on a first date is difficult enough; but, finding a soul mate and the person you want to spend your life with, is even harder to wrap your head around. Knowing you will stay the same and that you will still love someone ten, twenty, thirty years down the road is nearly impossible to pinpoint. But, there are certain signs that point to the fact you have found the right person; these are a few of the signs to look for, in the significant other that you are currently with.

10. Compatibility

Like everything in life, if you aren’t compatible, in terms of likes and dislikes, it will never work. You are friends with people who like doing what you do, and enjoy your company; the same goes for your partner. But, you have to find the person you are compatible with in and out of the home, and the person that is going to remain true to their interests, even as they continue to grow with you.

9. Mutual Respect

If they don’t speak down to you, if they always find a way to put you up (rather than down), and if they continually strive to make you feel your best, these are all great signs you have met your match. You want someone who is always on your side, and always wants to make you feel your best. If you don’t have mutual respect, the relationship you are building is never going to last over the years.

8. Friends/Family

If your parents love him/her, if your friends like spending time with them, and if everyone seems to get along, this is another surefire sign. You want to be able to share certain things with your family and friends, and with your spouse. IF there is constant bickering or disrespect how can you do that? You must find a person that loves your family and friends, and vice-versa if you want it to last.

7. Priorities Straight

You have to remain a priority in one another’s lives. If after a few months, they don’t call as much, or seem to lose interest, what is going to happen several years down the road? You have to find a person that makes you a priority, that puts you first, and is always going to respect you and the person you are – regardless of how long you have been together. This is a must in any relationship if it is going to last.

6. Your Gut

More often than not, if your gut says yes, the answer is yes. Trust your gut, and let your feelings show for the person. If it says go with it, then you should do so; if your gut tells you it is time to end it, then maybe it is time for you to cut ties, so neither party gets hurt in the transaction.

5. Drama Free

If the only way one person in the relationship is happy, is when there is drama, then it won’t last. Eventually you will get tired of it, and you are going to continually have to create drama, to keep them interested. Find a partner that is drama free, and wants the same, and you will find that the relationship is going to continue to grow, and that you can be happy with that person forever.

4. Anxiety Is Gone

If you are anxious about the relationship, where things are going, or when it is possibly going to end, why not end it? You don’t want to have anxiety attacks each time you think about your partner, so don’t date someone that makes you feel this way. When the relationship is anxiety free, you can be rest assured they are a great person, and are possibly one that you may spend the rest of your life with.

3. Communication

If you can talk about anything, if there is no fear of sharing secrets, and if communication is always open, these are all great signs as well. Not only will you not have that lingering fear you will say the wrong thing, but you also know that both sides are going to be careful to do the right thing, and to being candid with one another, which is imperative if you want any relationship (romantic as well as a friendship) to withstand the test of time.

2. No Nerves

You shouldn’t feel nervous around your partner; you should feel open, free to speak your mind, and you should not feel hindered around them. When you are completely comfortable with a person, don’t fear being yourself, and are fully open with the other person, these are all great signs that you might be with the right person. You have to be comfortable, and you have to feel comfortable being the person you truly are, not who someone else wants you to be.

1. Timing Is Everything

Sometimes you met the right person, but the time or distance just aren’t right. If they are truly the right person, it is all going to work out in the end, when the time is right for the two of you to be together. So, don’t try to force it, and do not try to make things move too quickly. Doing so is simply going to cause havoc and cause the relationship to break apart after a period of tie. When it is right, you will be ready, they will, and there will be no issues (such as financial or distance issues), that you have to deal with.

Although you never know that a relationship is going to last forever, even if you have met the right one, having these signs in place, all point to a long lasting, happy, open relationship. So, take things at bay, make sure you know what to look for, and find a person that allows you to feel like yourself, and act like yourself. Not only will it lead to a happier you, it is also going to allow that person to feel completely honest and open being themselves around you as well, in turn leading to a happy and healthy relationship forever.

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