Top 10 Reasons Why People Judge You

We all have are different perception when it comes to judging someone. Other people are angry about the things that other people do so they tend to judge them. There are also other people judging others because of jealousy. But for the majority of people, here are the 10 things that people judge others for doing, including myself (Please don’t judge me for being too judgemental)

Number 10. Talkative Or Too Loud

I hate when people are talkative and too loud especially if it is non-sense. When I see people like these, I can’t help but to judge them about their personality.

I believe other people are also like these wherein they tend to judge someone for being talkative or too loud when talking.

Number 9. Bad Outfit

When people see others wearing bad outfit, it will automatically makes them to judge this person. If the person is wearing different styles, people tend to judge that this person came from the other planet.

This is because the outfit the person wears does not match the current fashion trend. When I see someone like this, I tend to judge about their styles in fashion as being boring.

Number 8. Bad Hairstyles Or Haircut

Whenever I see other people with bad hairstyles or haircuts, I can’t help but to judge them. Most people also tend to do this and they judge this person in a funny way.

In essence, they compare this person with bad hairstyles or haircut as a clown because of the funny looks. Whether this person is a girl or a boy, having bad hairstyles or haircut is always a judgmental situation for others.

Number 7. Always Using Cellphone

We all know that mobile phones and cellphones are very convenient and helpful in many ways. It helps a lot to make our communication to others as easy as possible. However, when other people tend to see a person always using a cellphone, this makes them irritated.

This is also similar to me that lead to judging this person. When I see a person always using its cellphone or mobile phone in an inappropriate area, I tend to judge it.

This is because I don’t like seeing someone using its cellphone while shopping or using a toilet. It is very irritating for me since using cellphone on this kind of situation is not appropriate.

Number 6. Always Online on Facebook

Facebook has been a great place for many people when it comes to their social lives. However, being online on Facebook always is somewhat irritating.

This is true especially when this person is in your friend’s list because it occupies space on the chat names that makes it hard for you to browse other people.

Also, seeing the face of this person at the chat menu on Facebook always is annoying for me. But the main reason why I judge this kind of person is because I think this person just want to show that he or she is always online.

Number 5. Snoring While Sleeping

Whenever I see someone sleeping and snoring, it always makes me judgmental. This is because of the annoying sound of this person. This is also a common situation for other people wherein they tend to judge someone when they found out that he or she is snoring while sleeping.

The reasons are varied but one thing why people tend to judge others that are snoring while sleeping. This is due to being annoying and not allowing others to get a very good sleep due to the loud snoring sound.

Number 4. Laughing with Bad Teeth

Whenever I see someone laughing with bad teeth, I tend to automatically judge it. Most people will also have this common in their mind.

One reason is because they think that having bad teeth lead to bad breath. When I see people not doing something to fix their bad teeth and they laugh as if they have a good set of teeth, I tend to judge them of being careless about their hygiene.

This is because I have a good set of teeth as compared to others and I hate people with bad teeth when they laugh.

Number 3. Plucking Underarms

When I see other people plucking their underarms, I can’t help but to judge them. I judge them about not using shaves over plucking tools. The exact reason why other people also judge someone when they see it plucking their underarms is unknown.

However, one common reason that most people have is because it is disgusting. This is true especially when the underarm of the person is not flawless and it is bad. When I see someone with bad underarm and plucking, I tend to judge negative words. Some of these words are body odor or body under.

Number 2. Bully Kids

When I see kids bullying other kids, I always judge them. This is common for many people to judge kids that are bullies. Some of the common judgment from other people when they see bully kids is because of coming from a bad family.

For me, I judge bully kids as results of having bad parents. This is because I believe that the attitude of the kids normally comes from their parents. So when I see bully kids, I judge them as a reflection of their parents.

Number 1. Saying Bad Words

One of the most annoying for me why I judge people when doing something is when they say bad words. I hate hearing someone saying bad words and I tend to judge them. I judge these people as uneducated because of doing something that is not appropriate.

When I see someone doing this, it makes me angry. Saying bad words is not bad at all but you need to limit your usage. Also, use it properly to someone for joke and not to hurt their feelings. This is probably the main reason why I am judgmental when I see someone saying bad words and doing it over and over again.

Those are the 10 things that I can’t help but to judge other for doing. We all have our different point of views when it comes to things and these are my personal thoughts when I see someone doing them. Whenever I see someone doing these things, I can’t help myself but to judge them negatively.

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