Top 10 People With Real Life Superpowers

Superheroes have always fascinated us and there is no human on this planet that didn’t dream at least once of being maybe Superman or any other hero he may have heard of.

However, did you know that there are actually people with superpowers all over the world and that they can do things most of us cannot? Who are these people? What can they do? And most importantly, how did they acquire their superpowers?

If these questions make you feel very curious of them, then your answers lie just below these lines.

10. Tim Cridland

You may know Tim by the name of Zamora and if you’ve watched him on TV, then you may already know that he is one those people that can take a lot of pain while keeping quiet like a sleeping baby.

He does all sorts of strange things, like inserting a sharp rod into his abdomen or through his cheeks, cutting his torso in order to recover items that he previously swallowed and so forth.

It seems that he has an ability of basically minimizing or making pain disappear, but doctors think that he was born with a disease that doesn’t allow him to feel pain.

9. Liam Hoekstra

In ’99 a story about a boy that had more muscles than his father surprised millions of people around the world. The thing is that at just four years old, Liam is 6 times stronger than kids his age, which is very impressive to say the least.

While we may have wanted to interview him and learn more about his ability, it seems that the kid’s identity is kept secret and you cannot find information about where he lives and similar details.

8. Kim Peek

Even though this fine gentleman died a few years ago, by the time of his death he managed to memorize around 12 thousand books. He was extremely good at memorizing and he would read 2 pages at the same time, using one eye for one and the other for the other page.

He was the best example of photography or eidetic memory and he was able to recall everything he red with an accuracy of ninety eight percent.

7. Natasha Demkina

When she was just ten years old, Natasha Demkina began to see the conditions her mother was suffering from and that she could do only by using her eyes.

Ever since she discovered she can do this, she successfully detected cancers, ulcers and cysts in the people that started knocking on her door asking her to perform a health check on them.

Once, she went to a hospital for a check-up and she could tell the doctor that examined her he had some scars no one else knew about.

6. Kiwi Dave Mullins

Kiwi Dave has entered the Guinness Book of Records and that is thanks to the fact that he can actually swim underwater for four minutes and two seconds on a single breath, traveling two hundred and forty four meters.

In 2008, he was able to set a new world record for being able to swim to a depth of one hundred and eight meters with no swimming equipment and only on a single breath.

5. The “Garth” Monks

While in some comic books you might have read about people that could heat up various parts of their body, there is nothing surreal about that, since a group of monks in Tibet can also do it.

So basically, they managed raising the temperature of their skin by up to eight degrees, while their core temperature remained the same.

A TV crew even had them filmed while they stood outside in the freezing cold at temperature of minus seventeen degrees Celsius for the entire night, without even shivering. Now that is very impressive.

4. Slavisa Pajkic

Most of us are taught ever since we are children that it’s very dangerous to play with electricity, but for Slavisa Pajkic, it seems that electricity poses no danger for his safety. What is very unique about him is that by using only his hands, he can cook sausages and also conduct about 20 thousand volts of electricity through his body without getting fried, not to mention that he can also heat up a cup of water to almost 100 degrees Celsius in less than 2 minutes.

3. John Of God

If you visited Brazil, then you may have heard about an interesting person known as John of God who is known for performing surgeries with his bare hands, but without cutting into your body as you’re used to with a regular surgery.

This man uses no anesthesia and he is able to cure people of many kinds of diseases and tumors just by using his bare hands. Because of his gift, many people visit this incredible healer that clearly defies the potency of modern medicine.

2. Ngoc Thai

While you may have heard about people around the world that cannot sleep, this guy must be the best example of such individuals. When he was thirty one years old, he had a fever that affected him pretty badly and even though he survived it, ever since he was cured he could not sleep at all.

What is strange is that this didn’t affect his mental or physical condition at all and even though he has a slightly damaged liver, everything else with him seems to be just fine. He even took a lot of sleeping pills, but it seems that nothing can make him fall asleep.

1. Isao Machii

Last but not least, if you believed firmly that samurais don’t exist anymore, then Isao Machii would immediately contradict you. His special ability of processing everything at a completely different sensory level makes him capable of slicing a bullet in half by just using his sword.

He doesn’t really see the objects before slicing them, but he can anticipate where they’ll be and that is how he manages to cut them. This is one of the most impressive abilities out there and if you want to get an idea of his skill, you can check him out on YouTube.

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