Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Pimples

When you have pimples, especially if you’re a teenager, you feel like it’s the end of the world. In fact, millions of teens around… When you have pimples, especially if you’re a teenager, you feel like it’s the end of the world. In fact, millions of teens around the world are going through this drama every single day of their life until they reach maturity. The thing is that you don’t really need to wait that long for relief to come, because there are many natural ways you could use in order to enjoy it right away. While some of the solutions we’re going to talk about are very simple, others will require you consider a trip to your local supermarket. Nonetheless, they all work and should have you worry no more about your pimples.

10. Take A Dip

Did you know that having a pool has more advantages than that of helping you cool off after a hot and tiring day of working outside in the summer heat? Since it contains important amounts of chlorine, it will help dry out your skin and therefore minimize the chances of pimples appearing.

9. Using Ice

How will ice help you get rid of your pimples? Well, if you didn’t know, when you apply ice on the affected area, the pimple will actually freeze and at the same time you also remove the dirt and oil that have been clogging up your pores. Even more, ice is very well known for being used as an anti-inflammatory and by doing so, you can decrease the inflammation of your skin, making it look and feel smooth once again. If you want to apply ice though, you need to make sure that you won’t use it directly on the area, but wrap it in a clean cloth and then apply it on your pimples. Apply it daily for more effectiveness and you’ll be happy with the results you get in the long run.

8. Balanced Diet

If you consider eating healthy foods, you’ll be amazed of how much this will impact the appearance of more pimples. For instance, it’s best if you could avoid a diet that is rich in carbohydrates and for that, you need to consider eating less bread, pasta and similar foods. Dairy products are to be avoided as well, but if you really want to have some, then you need to eat them in their fermented state (goat cheese, natural yogurts, etc). Eating fresh vegetables and fruits is also advised, but don’t forget to have a good intake of water, too.

7. Using Lemons

Not only is lemon a great way to give a special aroma to your tea or other similar drinks, but if you use lemon juice and apply it on your pimples using a cotton swab, you’ll be very impressed with how much it can help minimize your acne problems. It’s best that you use natural lemon juice so don’t go for juice that contains preservatives. Some people though, especially those with sensitive skin may find that using lemon juice could cause them rashes and if that is also your case, then you may want to consider another solution.

6. Cucumbers

For many years people have been using cucumbers in order to get rid of the dark circles around their eyes, but also for giving their skin a fresh look. Truth be said, you don’t have to be Peter Kopelson in order to realize that cucumbers are also going to help you a lot if you have pimples and you’d like to get rid of them. So basically, cucumbers help you get rid of the redness on your face and the good news is that you can also use them in order to make a special mix involving 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and grated cucumbers. After you’ve mixed these ingredients well, apply them on your skin and leave it there for 15 minutes. Lastly, rinse your face with plenty of water.

5. Tea Tree Oil

If you used tea tree oil in the past for treating other conditions, then you may have read on its usage instructions and recommendations that it can also help you if your skin is prone to acne. That is because it has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties which are highly beneficial for those dealing with pimples. Using tea tree oil is also very simple and all you need to do is make sure that you use a Q-tip or a cotton wool in order to apply it on the affected area.

4. Honey

Many of us use honey on a daily basis in order to sweeten our teas or other drinks in a natural way, but you may not be aware of how effective it is for fighting against infections. Since honey is a natural antibiotic, it is perfect for being used to heal your pimples. Not only that, but honey is also sticky which is very helpful when it comes to removing the extra dirt and also dead skin on your face. Most people opt for making a mask using honey and to do so, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the mixture eon your face, leave it there for 10 minutes and then remove it using lukewarm or warm water.

3. Garlic

While many people don’t really like the bad smell of garlic, it is very effective if you want to have a healthy looking skin. Why is that? Well, garlic has powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. However, how do you actually use it? Do you need to include it in your diet more often or is there another way? Well, eating more garlic is a good idea as well, but you can also use a peeled clove of garlic and rub it on the affected are a few time a day. In some cases, especially when you have sensitive skin, it might be better to crush the garlic, mix it with water and then apply it on the troubled skin.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known worldwide for having a lot of benefits when it comes to your skin and not only does it help injuries heal much faster and prevents infection, but it’s also great to be used for reducing redness and inflammation. On top of that, it can easily remove the oiliness from your skin, which is responsible for causing acne to appear in the first place.

1. Aspirin

Since it’s a very powerful anti-inflammatory, aspiring is a very easy and cheap way of reducing the chances of dealing with pimples. Even better is the fact that many of us already have aspirin lying somewhere around our home. So what is the best way to use it? Well, you can use one part aspirin and three parts water and then leave the mixture to thicken for a bit. When it gets thick (after around 30 minutes) apply it on the troubled area and leave it there for 20 minutes. For removal, use a wet cloth. What is your experience with these natural ways of getting rid of pimples? Did you have any positive results with them? If so, let us know about it in the comments section below!

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