Top 10 Milk Producing Countries In The World

Annually there is a huge production of milk in the farms. This milk is exported to several different countries and is imported from different countries in billions of tons. Milk and other dairy products are energetic as they provide power and strength.

There are many milk-giving animals like goats, camels, cows, sheep and buffaloes. Milk provides nourishment to the body. So, we should know about the countries which are the big origin of milk in the international markets.

Milk is the source of proteins and is very important in strengthening the bones. I have enlisted the Top 10 Milk Producing Countries In The World and they are as follows

10. Turkey

Turkey is a country famous for its huge amount of milk production. Most of its milk comes from the cows and that is almost 42%.

The economy of the Turkey mainly depends on its milk and milk products. In the rural areas, cattle rearing is the side job of the people which produces milk.

So, it is also the source of employment. Hence, it is a country which produces a great amount of milk that is exported to many countries. So, the dairy business is well known in Turkey and many people owns it.

9. New Zealand

New Zealand is a beautiful country which is rich in the production of milk and provides the international market with the milk. It exports almost 90% of the milk to other countries. As, milk is one of the basic necessity of life that provides with the proteins and energy to the body.

Exporting is done by New Zealand since 1846. Sometimes it also import the milk. New Zealand had a huge dairy growth in two years mostly and that is 2010 and 2011.

Cow is the main source of milk production in here and especially in these years; the cows have increased from 132.000 to 4.5 million. In it the areas specified for farm are called as milky parlors.

8. France

France is a country which is well-known for its farms of the dairy worldwide. 15601 farms in France which produce milk regularly. Almost 330,000 liters of milk is produced there which is exported to the other countries each year.

The collection of milk from cows in France is almost 17.1%. The country has a great stability in the farming industry. It is famous for its dairy products and milk that is exported by the country. And milk export is the main earning of the country.

The government of France ensures the high quality of milk so that more milk is exported to the worldwide.

7. India

India is the large country in the world that has a great area with 11 provinces. It has many livestock which gives milk. So, India provides the whole world with the milk by exporting it. In 2012, India surprisingly produced almost about 54 million tons of milk which is a record.

The farmers who have kept the cattle and the other livestock provides them with the care and that good one. So, they give a large amount of milk which is better for the economy of India. In 2009 and 2010 there a large amount of milk was produced in millions of tons and that are almost 112.5 million tons.

It is well noted here that India has started a program regarding dairy farm which is named as ‘Operation Flood’. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is responsible for this project.

6. USA

United States of America is a big country which 50 states in it. Dairy is an industry which is responsible for handling the milk which is obtained from cows, sheep, buffaloes and others. America has a well-known dairy industry. Here the farms of dairy are also known as dairy sheds.

There are many dairy farms in America almost about 51,000 which makes powdered milk for children, yoghurt, milk and cheese. 97% of the dairy farms are utilized by the American families. America exports a large amount of milk to other countries and earn money. Approximately the rate of production of milk is 23 billion gallons of milk annually.

5. Germany

Germany has many countries which provide the milk to the rest of the world. It is the country that is the part of the European Union which has a share of milk with countries of about 21.1%.

Germany is a country rich in livestock which includes cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats and many other milk giving animals. So, it is famous in selling out and exporting the milk at cheap rates despite of the good quality.

So, the milk of Germany is used in most parts of the world. As, people want to get a good thing in reasonable prices. Each year the major amount of milk in Germany is given by the cows which is about 4.2 million. In 2015, there was 29.34 million tons milk produced and the production of milk is increasing day by day.

4. Pakistan

Pakistan’s economy also depends upon the dairy industry. The rural areas of Pakistan are rich in livestock. Farmers take a nice care of cattle; cows, buffaloes, goats and other milk giving animals.

Several different dairy products are formed by the dairy industries and those products are yoghurt, milk, cheese and other products of dairy. The people in Pakistan have their own farms where they keep their animals and obtain milk from them.

Then they export that milk to earn money and improve their living standards. This is how they run their dairy farm businesses. Sometimes the people also import the milk to set their businesses. So, Pakistan is a main country where milk is produced and obtained by livestock and exported.

3. Brazil

Brazil provides us with the milk and is among the countries which are best milk providers in the century. In total the country is rich in cattle and has almost about 205 million cattle. Among this about 10% produce dairy. Cows are the main animals from which milk is obtained in Brazil.

Every year a single cow has the capability of producing about 1300 kg of milk. The total milk production of Brazil is near to 27.9 million liters each year. Minas Gerais is the state of Brazil where maximum milk is produced. So, this state produce almost 26 percent of the total milk produced in the country.

Then on the second number is Rio Grande Do Sul which contributes 15 percent of the milk and at the third number the state Parana provides with the milk almost 12 percent. Brazil import and export the milk to the outside world. And this exporting is beneficial for its economy.

2. Russia

Russia is a large country well-known for the huge production of milk along with the other countries. It has a famous organization namely; non-profit organization (NPO). In 2008, this organization was formed. It has an important duty regarding the dairy industry. It is responsible for the high quality of the milk.

As, it ensures no other harmful substances like chemicals are mixed with the milk which makes the milk dangerous. So, Russia is famous worldwide for the pure milk. In short, dairy industry of Russia is nourishing day by day and is responsible for almost 20% of the state’s economy.

1. China

China is a developed country with the largest rate of population. It is the best country that provides us with the largest amount of milk. Many people belonging to China are having their own dairy businesses. They have kept livestock; cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep and other milk giving animals. Cows are the main source of obtaining milk in China as there are about 14 million cows present to give milk.

There are other dairy products which are cheese, yogurt and others. Still the government of China is working hard to increase the milk production in the coming years. So, China exports and imports the milk through which it earns money and about 10% the economy of China depends upon dairy industry. Hence, in China several private organizations and even government is a big support for the dairy farms.

These institutions also ensure the purity of milk by keeping it safe from the mixing of harmful chemicals into the milk. So, the quality of milk produced in China is high and pure. That is why the other countries like to import the milk from China.

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