Top 10 Mark Cuban Success Tips That Will Make You Rich

Born on 31st July 1958, Mark Cuban is the owner of Landmark theaters, NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, an American business magnate, investor, and chairman of HDTV cable network AXS TV. He is also one of the shark investors on the TV series Shark Tank’. In 2012, Cuban wrote an E-book titled, How To Win In The Sport Of Business’, in which he details out his success in sports and business.

How did Cuban accumulate all this money that is well beyond our dreams? Luckily, we have done our research and gathered top 10 mark Cuban mantras of richness. Check them out.

Tip Number 10. Time Is More Valuable Than Money

Mark says, “To succeed in business, you have to learn how to use your time productively and wisely. How well you utilize your time will have huge impacts on your life and success than any amount of money you invest.”

Just like Cuban points out, the successful 10% works around the clock. Further, mark says, “Use your 24 hours wisely, but remember performance is not measured by how many hours you work, rather how much you get done.”

Tip Number 9. Commit Random Acts Of Kindness

“No one gets to the top alone. Being successful in business entails being able to work well with others. You cannot get to the top by yourself.

I believe we should all work to make those around us happy.” Cuban says. He tells that it is much funnier when you get to the top of the world with your loved ones by your side.

Tip Number 8. No Balls No Babies

Cuban says, “This is something I was told by a blackjack dealer when I once asked him whether I should stick or hit. It’s also my favorite line and one I repeatedly tell myself. The moment you are all set and you have verified you have all possible angles covered, go for it.

No balls, no babies.” He says, “The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. At times you just have to man up and head for it. Quit the fear of the unknown, you will never discover if you don’t try.”

Tip Number 7. Work Hard, Play Hard

“I went 7 semesters without a vacation, but I still managed to have fun. You have to find ways to blow off steam so that you won’t have to blow gasket.”

Success is a process. Ensure you reward yourself justly along the way. As a matter of fact, balancing it off can lead to an enhanced level of productivity.

Tip Number 6. Don’t Let Your Fear Rule You

“you can utilize your fear as a motivation or a roadblock.” There is always going to be someone who is competing against you, and at times they will win.

Appreciate that you cannot win all the times.” Other than fail to do something for fear of losing, put on a brave face and take on the challenge. Even if you fail or you have failed before, evaluate what caused the failure, create corrective strategies and try again.

I have personally been fired from more jobs than a lot of people have had. In your quest for success, you can fail unlimited number of times, but the one time you will get it right, it will be worth all the struggles.

Tip Number 5. Expect The Unlikely, And Always Be Ready

You will not wake up with someone telling you that everyone is going to be retailing apples so whoever sells the most wins. It is the exact opposite. Business is unpredictable.” You are never certain when a window of opportunity will knock at your door or disappear.

You have to put this in your mind and beware the game is on. Whatever you are looking to attain is not hidden in one place for you to find, and neither is it preserved for you alone. You have to be ready to go for it, at the slightest opportunity. Know that at any given point in time, things can turn upside down. Always be ready.

Tip Number 4. It’s Okay To Yell And Be Yelled At

One of my rules is that I don’t worry if people raise their voice or even shout a little. At Micro Solutions, Martin and I would have tough knock-down drag outs at times. Yes, at times there were short burst. They did not happen a lot.

When it happened, he knew and I knew, this was something I was passionate about. Always strive to express what is truly in your mind. Do not hold back. The most successful people say what they mean and do what they say. Do not bite your tongue.

Tip Number 3. Everyone Gets Down

Everyone gets down. The key lies in how you get up. I have gotten up in the morning many times dreading the day; felling extremely de-motivated.

I just wanted to stay in bed. At times, something was not working, we had lost a deal or we had been wrong all through. I just felt like crawling under a rock and disappear. Everyone moves through these moments, the secret is how you get through them.

Tip Number 2. It Is Not About Whether The Glass Is 50% Empty Or Half Full

“The secret in business and success is doing your best to control your destiny. You cannot always do it, but you have to put all measure that you possibly can to protect yourself and your business from the competition. Make sure you have the lead and you will control the destiny” Mark Cuban says.

Tip Number 1. It’s Not In The Dreaming, It’s In The Doing

Everyone has what it takes to succeed in his or herself. However, most people waste their time dreaming about what they would do if they got at the top of the game.

Everyone dreams. All people have ideas about what they should do to be successful but that is not enough. Mark Cuban says, “You need to wake up, and ask yourself how you can get there. Then don’t waste time. Get started as soon as possible.”

Well, these are the top 10 Mantras of wealth you can learn from Mark Cuban. Which one do you think is most vital for success in business? Do you have more tips you would like us to know? Feel free to leave a comment below and let the world here you opinion. You are also welcome to share this post via social media.

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