Top 10 Intriguing Conversations Girls Always Try To Avoid

These topics are considered too delicate, explicit, personal, boring or just inappropriate and any conversation brought up receives negative responses such as silence.

The nature conversation and its delivery also determine whether a girl will want to respond or turn away. Unlike boys, girls are very observant and easily influenced by small aspect of conversations such as word choice, expression and delivery.

Girls always want to gauge the psychology behind each sentence and what the actual intention is rather than the general flow.

Due to this emotional attachment, there are some things girls will avoid and redirect the discussion’s theme whenever they feel uncomfortable. Here are the top 10 conversations girls always try to avoid and if persistently pursued, they may stop talking all together.

Past Relationships

Girls do not like to over indulge in their past experiences. These types of conversations often involve too much questions, including who they dated, how they were treated and why they left. Such questions hold a lot of memories and may evoke bad emotions and forgotten pain.

Past relationships are often compared to some of the mistakes made and betrayals or failures which are not appropriate to talk about. They have little positive influence and will only increase tension and foul emotions since they majorly fall under betrayals or lost opportunities.

Self Centered Chats

Conversations that are all about you will also bore and put off girls, which is why they try to avoid them. Ladies love to be appreciated and complemented.

They hate having to talk about other people without the chance to boast about their own achievements and preferences. Girls will only try to introduce topics about their own experiences and if it is persistently met with a shift to other people, they give up and avoid further conversations.

Bad Work Experiences

Girls also hate conversations of a complaining nature.

If you keep complaining about how much the job is stressing and how much you dislike the workplace, workmates and boss, it accumulates to negative energy.

Girls are not known to deal with negative energies well and will avoid conversations of such nature. They are more comfortable with positive prosperous experiences, which is why a fascinating conversation about your workplace is encouraged.

Sickness Or Fatal Illness

Talks about getting sick and contracting deadly viruses or illness conditions will also be inappropriate to discuss with girls.

Due to the emotional nature of ladies, conversations involving sickness, or suffering as a result of the same, will affect them psychologically and result in lowered moods.

This is because girls are natural caretakers and get serious concerns when people fall sick or experience agony.

Misery Forecast Chats

Chats that involve questions about what would happen if woeful accidents or diseases occurred in the future are also a turn-off for most girls.

This goes back to their caring nature and positive thinking which includes looking forward to better days. Girls are less likely to be interested in conversations that predict doom or misery and will avoid thinking in such directions.

Technical Explanations

Establishing a distinction between hobby conversation and technical explanation is important when talking to girls. The interests may be great to talk about, but technical information that is only understood by fellow enthusiasts should be avoided.

It sounds intimidating and most girls do not actually pay much attention to the inner details, rules and statistics. They will try to avoid such discussions before getting bored to silence.

All Acknowledging

Conversations are kept interesting with difference in opinion which presents a challenge and expands the platform for debates.

When the conversation is of an all acknowledging nature where everyone agrees with everything said, it suggests boredom, lack of concentration or poor communication skills. This naturally results in silence and most girls will avoid such discussions once they realize all you do is nod in acceptance.

All Knowing

This is naturally despised by everyone, whether male or female, although boys are more tolerant and therefore likely to oversight such traits.

Conversations that involve an all-knowing self-claimed genius are simply boring and girls will avoid such experiences. When the person they are conversing with seems to know everything, the chat is bound to be one-sided.

It may at some point seem unnecessary to contribute since all the topics are known and there is nothing new to keep the conversation interesting. This inhibition is a turn-off and girls will usually avoid such conversations.

Overly Explicit

Although girls like appreciation and complements, making extremely explicit comments that include erotic fantasies may be too much to handle.

This will either make them feel shy or insulted and both will result in negative responses such as silence.

They will try as much as possible to avoid conversations of such nature since it is easy to tell the intentions behind them.

Dark Forces

This is one conversation most girls do not like getting involved in. Discussions involving bloody rituals, heinous crimes, massive deaths, satanic forces and brutal inhuman topics are less likely to catch a girl’s attention.

Women are natural nurses and feel better when everyone is comfortable, happy and everything is running smoothly. They get depressed in periods of war and disasters where massive numbers die. Conversations involving such topics will therefore be met with fright and judgment.

They may loose trust in the people who find such discussions amusing and will most certainly avoid having talks regarding the same.

Girls are very sensitive and emotional to various subjects, particularly those that involve suffering and tribulations. They feel more comfortable with conversations that express happiness, applause, joy, improvement and excitement. They also love to be complemented and included in the conversation, although too much explicitness will not be appreciated.

Providing some kind of challenge and differing opinion is also important when conversing with girls but be careful not to act the all knowing genius. The above list presents top 10 conversations girls always try to avoid in order to keep the chat exiting and continuous.

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