Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Billionaire Businessman Elon Musk

Born on 28th June 1971, Elon Musk is a Canadian-American business magnate, investor and inventor. He is the CEO and CTO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX. He was among the very early investors in PayPal Inc., Tesla Motors, Zip 2 and SpaceX. He is also the man who has envisioned the top-speed transportation system called the Hyperloop. Musk is an overly successful business man.

True, successful people can teach us tons about how to be and the nature of success. From obsessed environmentalists to aspiring entrepreneurs, everyone should recognize Elon Musk. He is one of the most celebrated visionary Entrepreneurs today, and he has established numerous companies. Musk states that he founded these businesses to improve the world by trying to solve issues that negatively impact the human race, such as global warming and internet finance. But is this all there is to know about Elon Musk? The answer is no. There is tons of fascinating things about Elon Musk that you should know. Luckily, we have done the homework and gathered the top 10 most fascinating things about Elon Musk you need to know in 2014. Check them out.

10. Musk Plans To Make A Working Submarine-Car

A spokesperson for SpaceX revealed early this week that Elon plans to make a working submarine car. His idea is inspired by the prop car from the film “The Spy Who Loved Me.” In this film, James Bond’s car transforms from a top class sports car into a submersible. Elon currently plans to turn this film fiction into reality. He says, “I plan to use modifications mainly designed from scratch and Manpower from Tesla.” Believe it or not, Musk may just be a couple of steps away from owning the first ever submarine car.

9. Musk Is A Billionaire Almost Seven Times Over

Elon is worth slightly less than an estimated 8 billion dollars; take or give several hundred million dollars depending on how the market moves up or down on any given day. Although he is one of the most successful business entrepreneurs and founder of multiple firms, Musk is not one of the top 100 richest individual in Forbes list but he comes very close. His Shareholding in Tesla Motors is worth more than 5 billion according to Forbes.

8. He Has Established Multiple Companies

Elon’s first company was Zip 2, one of the oldest internet GPS webpage that was later acquired by Compaq. He then moved on to establish PayPal, an online financial transaction company. Following successful acquisition of PayPal by, Musk launched SpaceX, a private Space exploration company that works with NASA. He is also the founder of Tesla Motors, a luxury electric car manufacturer. He is currently the CEO of both Tesla and SpaceX.

7. He Is The Brain Behind Solar City

Solar city is renewable sources of energy focused company that manufactures and install solar panels for business, government firms and residences. The company was established by Lyndon Rive and Peter, who were given the Idea and start-up capital by Musk, their cousin. Today, E. Musk is the acting chairman of Solar City.

6. He Learned Programming From An Early Age

Musk commenced learning coding and programming at the age of 10, after a test by 1BM concluded that he had a high aptitude for the subject. After learning how to program, E. musk developed and sold a game he called Blaster for $500 while he was only 12 years old.

5. He Envisioned The Hyperloop, A Top Speed Transportation System

Musk envisioned an anticipated $6 billion transportation system that would transport people from L.A to San Francisco. The system, called the Hyperloop, utilizes low-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride in an air cushion to transport passengers at top speeds. E. Musk claims the system is immune to weather, runs 24 hours a day, travels at double the speed of commercial flights and utilizes very little energy.

4. He Donates Solar Panels To Help In Humanitarian Crises

Elon donates solar panels and funds their complete installations to locations such as Post-hurricane Alabama, Post-tsunami Fukushima, and other areas.

3. One of His Chief Goals Is To Colonize Mars

Space X has already ordered for human volunteers to be the first to travel to Mars. To make Life sustainable, Musk developed creation of a greenhouse on the red planet. However, his plans for Mars colonization are by far under deliberations.

2 Musk Is A Multifaceted Genius

Most successful businessman only dominate one large firm; a company or a 2 in which they invested and thrived. For instance, bill gates has only Microsoft under his resume; Larry Page and Sergy Brin have only Google and Steve job has only apple. However, E. Musk is most famous for being the brain behind Tesla Motors, PayPal Inc and Solar City. He is the main player in the renewable energy sector. His resume dwells much on founding companies rather than working for a big one. These firms are mainly based on his original ideas.

1. Elon Musk Offered To Give An Idea For Free

Searching to gain from the frustration of the city travel and the huge potential offered by technology, Musk came up with the idea of Hyperloop, a radical new mode of transportation that could see passengers travel from L.A to San Francisco in less than 30 minutes. The system would be made up of a network of Pods, which would be moving in tubes filled with highly compressed air. He designed his initial design in the summer of 2013, but stated that he was overly busy to work at the project. He invited other entrepreneurs and engineers to go and work on the project.

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