Top 10 Countries With The Most Intelligent People

In technical terms, ‘Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills’. Generally, one’s intelligence is considered to be the measure of his or her mental capacity, comprehension level, insight, perception power and a combination of other positive attributes.

Everyone aims for a high ‘Intelligence Quotient‘ (IQ) which is a ‘test score’ related to one’s reasoning ability in comparison to average statistics. Intelligence is simply one’s brain power.

Some are born intelligent while some fill up their intelligence banks with time. According to Frank McCourt, a writer and teacher, ‘You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your brain is a palace’.

All said and done, intelligence is what most of us aim for. We keep hearing about the world’s biggest and smallest countries, richest and poorest countries, warmest and coldest countries, literate and illiterate countries, developed and developing countries and so on.

It’s time to take a detour and explore the world’s top ten most intelligent countries and discover where we stand. A country may be called ‘intelligent’ because of the technological advancement that it enjoys or simply because its people are more informed and educated.

Perhaps, it’s a mix of both. Whatever it may be, here’s a list of the countries that qualify to be in the list of the most intelligent:

Number 10) Switzerland

The country boasts of an independent existence and a high literacy rate. The people are aware and educated, capable enough of producing various products for their use, on their own.

The country is home to a number of important international offices and organizations namely, ‘The United Nations‘, ‘Nuclear Research Institutions‘ and ‘The World Health Organization‘.

What’s more, Switzerland attracts travellers from around the world in large numbers. Well, the country is all about its people, no wonder this picturesque heaven has smart people who keep it up and about.

Number 9) Australia

Be it the sports field ( cricket, rugby) or public education, Australia is a country with solid brainpower.

The country has many technological parks and is considered to be amongst the wealthiest countries of the world. Its economy is the 12th largest and continues to grow by the day. Everyone in Australia has to register for home-schooling here and the adult literacy rate is quite high.

No doubt, the country is full of brilliant people who endeavour to progress and achieve success in most fields of life. Also, the country enjoys great tourist attention which indicates that people like to come here and appreciate the wonderful place that it is.

Number 8) Israel

For children in the age group of three to eighteen, education in Israel is compulsory, a fact that makes this country produce many intellectuals.

The country is renowned across the world for its inspiring and strong education system. Israel is technologically savvy and has recently become home to ‘Google Headquarters‘.

Number 7) Canada

The country can be closely associated with two things : technology and education. The country is passionately involved in strengthening its economy and creating numerous employment opportunities. Supposedly, out of every 11 people here, 8 hold post-graduate degrees or diplomas.

Countless students from around the world travel to Canada in their quest for higher studies especially in the fields of Business Administration and Medicine.

Number 6) Taiwan

Studies and surveys suggest that the island of Taiwan has people who secure some of the highest intelligence ‘test scores‘. The brainpower has come to the forefront especially in subjects like Math and Science. The country seems to be nursing intelligence towards a promising and prosperous future.

Number 5) United Kingdom

The country that has managed to rule on a major chunk of the world is sure to have intelligent and sharp people. UK has earned a name for the many scientific and technological inventions it witnessed.

Credit for the discovery of hydrogen, jet and locomotive engines, electric motor, internet, incandescent light bulb etc goes to this country. The 6th largest economy in the world, United Kingdom is home to smart people who have the potential to succeed and grow in every field of life. Be it culture, literature, visual arts or music, UK has many feathers in its cap. A much talented country, undoubtedly.

Number 4) Finland

If Finland was to have alternate names, they would be ‘Scientific research’ and ‘Hub For High-Level Education‘. The people of Finland are ‘competitive’ and ‘research oriented’, proving their intelligence in more ways than one. The country believes in an open-minded system of education backed by innovation.

The success of its people and the country itself can be credited to the judicious utilization of skills and knowledge that’s commonly found here. The phone company Nokia has its roots in this very intelligent country.

Number 3) Singapore

This may be counted among the smallest countries of the world, but it has evolved to colossal proportions in terms of technological advances, medical tourism and prosperity in general.

The country houses wise people who function in a thoughtful and strategic way to grow and attain success.

The country is renowned internationally for its tourism opportunities and a healthy economy. Global statistics of the year 2010 indicate that Singapore enjoys the ‘most rapidly growing economy’ status. Intelligent people, smart country.

Number 2) The United States

Powerful beyond words, America is the country where dreams come true.

The country rules the world in almost all sectors of growth and development. Home to NASA and other internationally acclaimed organizations, the country bashes on regardless.

Pioneering path-breaking research in various fields like space, machinery, weaponry and others, USA has unmatchable intelligence resource. Also, how can one forget the dynamic ‘Hollywood‘ that entertains so many of us and how.

Number 1 ) Japan

The ‘Land of the rising Sun‘, Japan is the technology king with a host of brilliant people as its ultimate treasure.

The country is adored for the perfect balance it maintains of culture, nature and technology. Companies like Dentsu, Toshiba, Sony, Toshiba and many others are based at Japan indicating the country’s power and level of achievement. Intelligence here happens to be a household name.

The country’s mentioned above are full of intelligent people, but there are other places around the world that also have brain resources to reckon with. And, after all, intelligence is the ability to change and adapt for the better.

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