Top 10 Compliments Big-Breasted Woman Get

Being a woman is difficult, any woman can agree with that. We live tough lives, ever since we were little girls. Little boys think we are a plague to avoid, so they pick on us.

Then we have to put up with reaching womanhood’ at 12 years old and live the rest of our lives in emotional and physical agony because mother nature decided to love’ us with what she thinks is funny coming out of our vaginas. I digress. There is more to being a woman than our problems; of course, we can be smart and funny.

We can be brave and beautiful, but we can also be very capricious creatures. We love compliments, we especially love sincere ones, why?

No idea. Maybe because it makes feel appreciated, but rare is the circumstance that we receive compliments on our… fortuitous busty assets. He are the Top 10 Compliments You Receive As A Big-Breasted Woman

You’re So Voluptuous

Why thank you! I mean… So, this compliment could be a double-edge sword for some women, if not all, saying a woman is voluptuous’ sounds nice and sexy, but it can also be translated as, “You’re so fat.”

For the lucky women that are beautiful and curvaceous, meaning, flat abdomen, busty chest-line, toned wide hips, etc. It is a great compliment as any other, but saying this to a woman that has large breasts, but missing all other assets and you could have a confusing problem.

I Love Your Curves

Like the previous compliment, this could be a double-edged sword because, believe it or not, not all women love having curves.’

In fact some of them are very self-conscious about it, regardless that she looks great and has beautiful breasts to show for it. It would be better if your intent was clear, that you meant to compliment her butt and breasts. I’m kidding, no it’s not.

Are They Real?

This one we love to hear, well some of us, because it is recognition of your natural-home-grown breasts. In a sea of silicon and plastic surgery that plagues some areas in the world (I’m looking at you Los Angeles…) it is great to be complimented on something you naturally have.

On the other hand, women that are lacking could only perceive envy which prompts them to swim in a sea of fake boobs.

May I Touch Them?

Okay, naturally, no one in the world could actually say this out loud and especially to a random woman with really big-breasts. In the privacy of your own home, room, back-seat, dark alley… whichever, some people can actually be this bold to ask, and naturally, of course we will allow them.

Unless they are absolutely creepy in the approach or have commitments elsewhere, then no, no you may not touch them, but thanks for the compliment!

What’s Your Size?

Like the previous one, no one would dare ask this out loud in any public setting, unless you are a complete moron, but also like the previous one, we like to boast what cup-size we are.

It is almost reminiscent of a guy boasting his penis size, and the only difference is, nobody asks him how big he is. He just says it. Okay that’s not true… but might as well be, right ladies?

Still, we will be coy and play hard to get, but eventually we are proud to announce all who are curious how big our breasts are.

I Really Want To Bounce Those Things!

Maybe it is not commonly heard in public, or among friends, but in some instances you can bet that in the privacy of your bedroom, your guy will at some point say this. It is sweet and it is kinky, so we naturally would accept this as a compliment.

Big breasts turn him on, so much, that apparently he wants to bounce them? It is weird, I know, but sadly it could be true for many large-breasted women.

Your Breasts Look Great In That (Piece Of Clothing Here)

Now, this entry could be directed to most perverted men – and women, you know who you are – because an average guy would never dare to approach a voluptuous’ woman and flat out compliment her outfit and her breasts at the same time. Unless you have a husband or a boyfriend, then yeah, he’s still a pervert, but it comes as a very sexy and cute gesture.

Besides, we ladies like to make ourselves look good, if we have burdening breasts, then might as well dress them up too, right? Although, for the majority, myself included, prefer comfort over style. It’s not easy having several pounds of flesh hanging from your chest.

Your Breasts Are Really Soft And Comfortable…

I hear this one a lot. I’m sorry, but it makes me feel good that my guy thinks they are comfortable. It’s his way of saying, they are ideal… for resting his head, but it doesn’t take away the fact that I have incredible breasts.

Naturally no one outside your private life will say this to you, unless you have a feminine breast exam like in that one movie with Cameron Diaz and Christina Applegate, then yeah, it is plausible some ladies, out of curiosity, may feel you up and then say you have really soft boobs. Honestly, that never happens, so settle down gentlemen.

I Don’t Mean To Sound Creepy, But, You Have Really Nice Rack/Chest/Boobs/Breasts

Believe it or not, this one does happen. It’s unavoidable I suppose, big breasts will draw unusual, yet honest, men. Unlike the creeper that tries to pick you up at a bar, or any place in general really, the person that is straightforward and honest like this, is definitely endearing. In a weird sort-of a way, probably because my chest is the first place this person looked at.

Busty women everywhere should know that it is inevitable for onlookers to gaze at you. Still, very few come forward and flat out say this, although, they are risking a smack or drop-kick to the face.


No one will say staring’ while looking at your breasts, but the simple and word-less gesture of a stare is why it earns the number one spot on this list. Staring at a woman’s breasts – large or small – is a great, albeit sometimes creepy, feeling.

If a woman is able to hold a guy’s gaze on her big boobs, then that means that they are immensely appealing to him, which means that the woman is attractive, and come on, ladies, we can all admit that being admired is the best feeling in the world. Staring is what rounds up all other compliments on this list and just makes it the best compliment by far.

No words, just stare and admire, fantasize, and really scramble the brains of an onlooker. It is so powerful, that any person that looks at your breasts zones-out and forgets that it is rude to stare at a woman’s gargantuan breasts. Permission is required first, we’re not prudes, we are just ladies.

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