Top 10 Best Organic Moisturizers For Dry Skin

The way your skin looks is a sign of health and that is why there are a lot of people who are investing a lot of time and money in proper skincare solutions. However, sooner or later you’ll realize that all of those creams that you may be using are not as good as you thought they were and some of them may even contain ingredients that are damaging for your skin. If you recently came to this conclusion and you don’t want to interrupt your skincare routine, what organic options do you have that can provide you with a natural skincare solution?

10. Aloe Vera

When it comes to aloe Vera, it seems that millions of people around the world are using it not only to moisturize their skin, but Alove Vera is also a good way of making sure that your wounds get to heal much faster and are protected from infections. Organic Aloe Vera has calming properties and that is why it’s great for use not only by people who have normal skin, but also by those with sensitive skin. Therefore, regardless if you have a rash or your skin is too dry, using Aloe Vera your skin will soon start looking and feeling healthier.

9. Avocado Oil

Since this special oil is a wonderful emollient, it is most of the times used in order to invigorate your skin, smooth it and also nourish it very well. On top of that, it also helps other vitamins and nutrients reach your skin and therefore nourish it completely. Even better, most people say that avocado oil does wonders if you have sensitive skin, so how about giving it a try and see what it can do for you?

8. Carrot Oil

Carrots are very rich in Vitamin A or beta carotene and because of that, the skincare companies have decided to make carrot oil since its properties will easily help those with sensitive and normal skin get the moisturization they need to avoid the formation of skin flakes due to skin dryness. The oil is rich in Vitamins E, D and C and it’s generally sued in order to hydrate and rejuvenate ageing, dry and damaged skin. A lot of people that have used this oil said that their skin started looking and feeling much better just after a few days of use, so if you’re looking for a quick fix to your dry skin, this one may be it.

7. Cocoa Butter

Many skincare specialists agree to the fact that cocoa butter is undoubtedly one of the most effective skin moisturizers out there. If you have psoriasis or eczema, cocoa butter can down wonders for you and that is because it has the ability of improving the elasticity, water retention and moisture of your skin.

6. Coconut Oil

In the majority of cases coconut oil is used in massages and that is because of its ability of moisturizing the skin and making you feel relaxed. Since it has powerful moisturization properties, many people seem to love using it in order to prevent flaking of the skin and dryness as well. On top of that, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out that it greatly delays the sagging of skin and the appearance of wrinkles, so no more will you need to worry about spending hundreds of dollars on expensive creams or serums, since coconut oil is enough.

5. Jojoba Oil

If you have any skin imbalances such as very oily skin or excessive dryness, you’ll find that jojoba oil can help you treat these very easily. What makes it special is that it softens and moisturizes, forming a layer of breathable lipid. It then diffuses into the skin and make sit silky smooth and very pleasant to the touch. Jojoba oil is also a very important source of Vitamin E which helps the skin’s natural healing process, especially because it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Meadowfoam Oil

While the oils we previously mentioned are not really a new discovery, meadowfoam oil is. What makes it special and so highly used in the skincare industry is the fact that it can adhere and stay on the skin, but at the same time it’s also very stable and moisturizing. Don’t worry about using some other creams for making sure you won’t have to deal with wrinkles and any other signs of aging, since this special oil can help you with and also offers great UV protection as well.

3. Mango Butter

While it cannot be found as much in the western world, more and more people are becoming aware of it and that is because it has rejuvenating, moisturizing and healing properties. This special butter is a winner because it contains powerful antioxidants which effectively neutralize toxins and improve the process of skin cell regeneration. Other than that, it also helps a lot in preventing the formation of wrinkles. But probably the most interesting thing about mango butter is that it contains B, D, C and E vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium and folic acid which everyone knows they are vital for a healthy looking and smooth skin.

2. Palm Oil

If you’re looking for a natural moisturizer that also has powerful anti aging properties, you need not look further than palm oil. Why is this oil so special? Well, it’s because it contains toctrienols which are some special and very rare ingredients pertaining to the Vitamin E family. Fighting free radicals, these ingredients help you have a wrinkle free and deeply moisturized skin everyone will notice. Used frequently, your skin will become very supple and soft in a very short period of time.

1. Shea Butter

Last but not least, it seems that shea butter is currently one of the best natural moisturizers that you can get. It contains natural fats which have a deep moisturizing effect on your skin and on top of that, it’s also rich in Vitamin F, E and A. As a result, it improves capillary circulation and also cell regeneration. If you want improved skin elasticity, a balanced pH and a great skin tone, then shea butter is the only way you can have these.

Did you try any of these natural solutions of having a moisturized skin? If you did, can you tell us what results you got with each of them? We’re very curious of finding out more about them, so don’t hesitate to post in the comments section below!

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