Top 10 Best Health Magazines in the World

Looking your best: eating right and exercising can be difficult without the right information. Knowing what foods are healthiest for your body or what exercises burn the most fat and calories can help consumers stay fit. Magazines committed to this information are everywhere, but some are better than others. So we’ve compiled a list of the Top Ten Best Health Magazines in the World. These magazines are packed with inspiring stories and proven health tips for men and women.

Self Magazine

First published in January of 1979 Self is an American based monthly magazine by Conde Nast Publications. Self was our number one choice for the Top Ten Best Health Magazines in the world because of its longevity and great advice. The magazine’s focus is on nutrition, fitness and health with an emphasis on emotional an intellectual happiness to help individuals be healthy physically and mentally. There are all types of tips for better living, self-empowerment and proper eating and exercise. Plus, they have an online website where consumers can access to handy tools like: workout videos, daily nutrition logs and thousands of recipes.

Prevention Magazine

Prevention magazine has been in circulation since 1950 in the U.S. and is published by Rodale Press. Prevention is among the top magazine sellers, with over 2.9 million copies sold annually world-wide and over 1 million readers. The magazine is a monthly publication and has separate sections for food, workouts, beauty and cooking. They also have an online website giving consumers instant access and are known for their surveys, which the magazine uses to gage customer needs and improve future issues.

Women’s Health Magazine

Women’s Health magazine is also published by Rodale Press and has been in print since 2005. There are 10 issues per year in the U.S. and it is also in circulation globally. The magazine is uniquely laid out into six sections: weight loss, sex and love, beauty and style, fitness, health and Eat This! The individual sections makes reading easy for its customers. Women’s Health is focused on helping women achieve and maintain balance in their lives. They also have an online site.

Men’s Health Magazine

Men’s Health is one of two men’s magazines that we picked for our Top Ten Best Health Magazines in the World. It is geared towards men and their lifestyles. It is a U.S. publication and is the most well-known of all the men’s magazines in circulation, having 40 editions in 47 countries. It is another Rodale Press creation and has been in stores since 1987. There are 10 issues per year that feature topics such as: fashion, sex, exercise and healthy eating. There are also articles of particular interest to men, like technology, travel and finance. It can be accessed online as well.

Men’s Fitness Magazine

Second to Men’s Health Men’s fitness is an American Media publication and has been in circulation since 1988. It’s geared toward males ages 21-40 with articles emphasizing nutrition, fitness, sports, sex, surveys and interviews. It also has a career section that is missing from most magazines. They have an online edition too.

Shape Magazine

Shape Magazine first hit newsstands in 1981 and is published by Weider Publications. Shape’s purpose is to educate its readers on eating right, staying fit and looking great- “shaping” our lives. The magazine also has articles outside of health living, like travel, sex, style, work and home. One great feature of this magazine is the Readers Speak Out Section, where readers can comment about previous issues or any other topic.

Oxygen Magazine

Oxygen is a monthly magazine devoted to staying in shape and living a healthy lifestyle. There are 4 sections in the magazine that highlight: fat loss, nutrition, fitness training and lifestyle. The training section has information about various types of equipment and exercises to do at home. The nutrition section teaches readers how to eat a more balanced, healthier diet. Fat loss talks about tips and strategies to shed pounds and the lifestyle section has news about the latest styles. The magazine has online access too.

Whole Living Magazine

Whole living is one of the newer magazines,but it made our list for The Top Ten Best Health Magazines in the World for its well-balanced stories. having first hit U.S. newsstands in 2010. The magazine puts out 10 issues a year with a focus on individual well-being and personal growth and advancement. It has 7 sections: wellness, healthy eating, fitness, balance, beauty, living green and community. There’s a bonus green section with tips to make ourselves and our homes more green and eco-friendly. There are expert and consumer blogs plus online access.

Fitness Magazine

Fitness magazine is an American magazine that has been in print since 1992 and owned by the Meredith Corporation. It’s geared towards teaching women all about the different areas of fitness but there is also advice on nutrition and lifestyle. There are 10 issues a year. The magazine holds yearly events based on health and fitness and donates the proceeds to different charities, making it a clear choice for our Top Ten Best Health Magazines in the World. They also publish online.

Health Magazine

Health magazine launched in the U.S. in 1981 and comes out 10 times a year. It gives advice on eating, diet and exercise, as well as mental health issues like depression, stress and tension. There is a special section informing consumer of the top skin care products and occasionally there are celebrity interviews. They are online and available world-wide.

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